2016 March - After 11 years - Plovdiv Artists Union Gallery, 32 Gladstone Str
2010 April - Unfolding, dedicated to the Artists Fellowship 26-5 - Marbles Gallery, St Louis, MO, USA
2004 November - Otstoiania/Distances - Balabanov's House, old town of Plovdiv
2004 August - The Body 2 - Plovdiv Artists Union Gallery
2004 February - auction 5 Years Anniversary - Saint Petersburg Hotel, Plovdiv
2003 December - The Soil - Plovdiv Artists Union Gallery
2003 February - Beyond the Words - Ivan Vazov Public Library, Plovdiv
2002 October - Black 2 - Balabanovs house, old town of Plovdiv
2002 April - 26-5 & Flying Intermezzi - London College of Printing Gallery, London, Great Britain
2002 February – Imago –26-5 & Flying Intermezzi, London - gallery Romfeia,Plovdiv
2001 August-Corridors of the Body-The Plovdiv Town Gallery
2001 May-The Life above…- Center of Contemporary Art, Plovdiv
2001 February – gallery M - two years aniversary 2000 December - Intim art -gallery M, Plovdiv
2000 September- Ethno space - Center of Contemporary Art, Plovdiv
2000 May-The body- Plovdiv town gallery
1999 September - presentation of 26-5 in the center of contemporary art, Varna
1999 September - gallery M, Plovdiv
1999 June - Faces - Alliance Francaise in Plovdiv
1999 April - Black - gallery in The House of Mexican Art, Plovdiv
1999 February - Paint - gallery Dissonance, Plovdiv – the first exhibition of “26-5